
Friday, December 24, 2010

A Few Points

So Pat Robertson says to stop locking up potheads, and Joe Biden says STFU NOOB UR GAY AND ITS A GATEWAY DRUG or something like that, and somehow this is all news. Anyway, I just want to drop a couple of salient points in this debate.

#1 Joe Biden is either an idiot, or is secretly a man shaped tape recorder filled with soundbites from 80's animated PSAs. When Sarah "John & Kate plus State" Palin is ahead of you in the curve on a social issue most Americans agree on, you have fallen far, far, far from the tree of wisdom.

#2 When Chris By-The-Throat, self proclaimed God-Emperor of New Sodom, and Pat Robertson, some old witch burner from like the 1700's, agree on something, that is a pretty good indication that support for the issue is across the board.

#3 The Government is still perpetuating murder to prevent lung cancer, in some post-Lovecraftian\Ouroborus mind bending twist of logic.

#4 Now that the Democrats are in office, they are the authority, and act as such-that is to say, to protect their interests in pharmaceuticals and corporate prisons. Nothing has Changed except for my ulcer. The Big O himself laughed off legalization as a strategy; yet idealistic liberal potheads were short stroking himself into a frenzy because Holder ordered a halt on Medical Marijuana facility raids The time has come to stop deluding yourselves that this is anything but a repackaged version of the same bullshit. The State is propelled by inertia; just hope it doesn't go through your house on the way out.


  1. "When Chris By-The-Throat, self proclaimed God-Emperor of New Sodom, and Pat Robertson, some old witch burner from like the 1700's..."

    Sweet zombie Jesus, I laughed so hard my head exploded. Twice. :D
